Where's the Future? Or WTF? Is a blog that serves two goals. One, to create conversation about technology, web, social media and trends that are affecting organisations, government, small business and people today. And two, as a way for me to share my knowledge about the things I have learnt working with and for over 100 communities across Australia.

When it comes to making an impact, connecting and collaborating online we should all be asking, WTF? Or, Where's the Future?

I now have a new blog section called Hits from the Blog it's a shorter, more informal blog - I feel better about having a dedicated space that's a bit looser.

Unless it's one of my awesome memes, all images in the blog are from the excellent Gratisography website.

Person with security on back of shirt riding an escalator


Our ten year old is engaging inappropriately online… ughhh

I knew this time would come. We have been so liberal with use of technology. All the early years apps were educational, they were great, but they also taught Ms10 how to read, write, and tech. The...

Posted on Oct 30, 2017


On being elected to the Electronic Frontiers Australia Board - *spoiler* I'm the Chair

*spoiler* Shortly after being elected I was also nominated to be and became the Chair. I should prpbably blog more, who can tell who reads these things. Anyway, yes, I am the Chair and you can...

Posted on Oct 9, 2017

Hits from the blog

Thoughts on community technology, the folly of relying on data, and making decisions

I’ve come to the point in my journey where I have to pull the elements together and lock in a direction. I can’t keep avoiding the question any longer. It’s interesting considering projects using...

Posted on Sep 21, 2017

Hits from the blog

Thoughts for today: Hackathons, Techfugees, and System Venturing

Two blog posts in one day! I've really found these short snappy blog hits are letting me do quick, unstructured posts without pressure. In turn this is unblocking my blogger writers block! Hackathons...

Posted on Sep 20, 2017


Drupal, Ambition, and Not-for-profit Organisations - Why Prioritising them Matters

“Ambition” is a great term, and for Drupal it’s a good position from which to start carving out a point of difference. Who can’t relate to ambition, or being ambitious? Especially within the Drupal...

Posted on Sep 20, 2017


Digital Rights Post SHA2017 - Why I've Nominated for the EFA Board

Last month I attended SHA2017 , and ever since then I’ve been consumed with how to be a part of that energy, those connections, and that potential here in Australia. What was SHA2017? It’s a hacker...

Posted on Sep 19, 2017


Technical Debt… It’s Itchy and Hard to Manage

The most convincing argument I ever heard for why organisations should not go down the road of building apps is because once they build it they in effect become app developers. From that point on...

Posted on Sep 18, 2017

Hits from the blog

I have a lot of stuff I'm doing and am excited by...

Hey, thanks for reading. I like blogs but I find myself caring about structure and a message and blah, blah. I know that's not necessarily how blogs need to be, but I still wanted something a bit...

Posted on Sep 12, 2017

girl hugging a bear


Standing on a Ledge in Tech - is it Worth It?

Standing on ledges alone sucks. I always look for someone to jump with or someone to dare me to jump coz I like a dare. Often when it comes to your career there are ledges that you need to need to...

Posted on Sep 2, 2017