Where's the Future? Or WTF? Is a blog that serves two goals. One, to create conversation about technology, web, social media and trends that are affecting organisations, government, small business and people today. And two, as a way for me to share my knowledge about the things I have learnt working with and for over 100 communities across Australia.
When it comes to making an impact, connecting and collaborating online we should all be asking, WTF? Or, Where's the Future?
I now have a new blog section called Hits from the Blog it's a shorter, more informal blog - I feel better about having a dedicated space that's a bit looser.
Unless it's one of my awesome memes, all images in the blog are from the excellent Gratisography website.
Update : I had some feedback that the image in this post was a bit negative, so I've changed it - there is also now a part 2 to this post. This is a post about the Adelaide Zoo - and...
Posted on Jul 18, 2016
I've been playing around with Twitter and setting up Facebook as an organisation. It's meant I'm spending a lot more time on social media throughout the day. It's an interesting experience to be...
Posted on Jul 16, 2016
Choosing a CMS is definitely a challenge. The landscape for web development moves so fast. When I started building websites for nfp's eight years ago organisations were facing the challenge of...
Posted on Jul 4, 2016
What is accessibility? Web accessibility is about creating websites that are accessible to people of all ages and types of disabilities. An Accessible Web means that people with...
Posted on Jun 28, 2016
Leading up to December 2014 every new site build had a request for accessibility, once the time passed and it was clear there would be no one policing it, accessibility seems to have been forgotten...
Posted on Apr 9, 2016