Hey, thanks for reading. I like blogs but I find myself caring about structure and a message and blah, blah. I know that's not necessarily how blogs need to be, but I still wanted something a bit looser to see if I blog more. So this is the first post in a new section of my blog I have created Hits from the Blog - spelling errors and typos will happen here!
It's been ages since I blogged properly (ok I did a quick one last week) and in the past year or so I have done SO much stuff and now I'm involved in a lot of cool things.
Ok - I'll tell you about the things I've been involved in today - that will start us off but I won't feel compelled to put all the things down. And I have nine minutes until a meeting.
I'm tweeting from the @DrupalGTD account - so this has been super fun - I love tweeting - I started tweeting one year ago - I should blog about what I've learned - in that year I've blogged from my own plus four other accounts, Notmydebt, DrupalGTD, GovHack Australia and GovHackWA. I'm also creating a strategy document.
GovHack - I'm the Experience Director for the Global Operations Team - the event for 2017 is over (though we have Red Carpets next month) I'm coordinating our team to do a strategic review with an action plan. The plan is incredibly important. GovHack brings together amazing minds, therefore lots of ideas, opinions, and needs. Bringing it together into something that can be achieved needs organisation, respect for the available capacity and in this case an understanding of systems that can be used, volunteer/community management, and the ability to prioritise bang for buck (in this case mainly hours spent/shared/given). I'm putting a lot of thought into systems and platforms - the org has expanded and evolved greatly from start up to the entity it is today.
NotMyDebt - oh so many stories on this - I love this project, I hate this policy. We've failed greatly here. Everyday my feed (our feed it's a dedicated group behind it) is full of stories of people struggling and I never feel like I can give a complete solution.
A cool social enterprise - that's my next meeting - I blogged about this last week - I'm up to a second meeting - we are talking tech, platforms, community management. My favourite things!
Drupal Dojo - we had our first live session today yay. This is such a great cornerstone resource for sharing and capturing information. The web is full of stuff, curation is so important. I'm interested to see where this group evolves it. I have plans for how I'd love to contribute. Tomorrow I'm going to do a Twitch.tv session - I'm installing a Drutopia distro on to my server - I'm not very sys admin so I welcome the help - it's Drupal8 and I'm looking forward to it - I have a plan to use the site for the Drupal Community Spotlight - this is unconfirmed I need to see how the distro performs first!
A board. I've nominated for the Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) board - my candidate statement is on this page. Waiting to get the previous borad minutes and financials, I nominated before I was sure it was a fit for me (without the afore mentioned stuff) but I'm passionate about digital rights and want to be active.
Oh you should ask me about SHA2017 if you are interested - I want to blog about it but I'm not sure where to start - it's a tech/hacker festival that was in The Netherlands last month. I spoke there in front of real like hackers ;) SHA2017 was the coolest, most magical thing I have ever been to. I desperately want to move the fam to Amsterdam every Aus winter/Eu summer and work from there. *squee*
Ok I'm out - anything interesting here? :)
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