Technical Debt… It’s Itchy and Hard to Manage

The most convincing argument I ever heard for why organisations should not go down the road of building apps is because once they build it they in effect become app developers. From that point on they need to manage the updates for two operating...

Stop Being Meme to Women Online - #feministmemes

Girls are making me sad. Calm down Bra just find a meme and let the anger out.
I only know awesome men so I don't really understand the men behind the online vitriol targeted at women, but it pisses me off. This post is about taking the meme back. Memes are hil-ar-ious - and friggen' effective. But if it just me, or are chicks...

Should you choose .com or

A dog questioning everything
A Country-Code Top Level Domain (ccTDL) is the the bit in your url that adds the country identifier - so the .au or the .uk - the bit you add to your .com or .org - which does tend to get hijacked by US websites, we all know there isn't really...